Year-round, The Longfellow Children’s Center offers unique, ultra-convenient childcare options for busy parents.
Our after school, preschool, infant, toddler, and camp programs offer active play and encouragement of a healthy lifestyle while offering parents various flexibility.
September through June, we run a licensed preschool and daycare as well as an after school program. July and August we run a summer camp, toddlers to elementary school aged children.
Our programs are licensed by the Massachusetts Early Education and Care Department. Parents may contact the EEC for the program’s licensing history at (508)798-5180.
Parents may “flex” their daycare schedule to meet their personal needs! The program is also designed to fulfill your child’s full-time preschool education, or infant/toddler daycare and educational needs as well as after school aged care. Children participate in our fun and enriching infant, toddler, and preschool programs while their parents work or enjoy some free time. Our after school, preschool/toddler programs offer active play and encouragement of a healthy lifestyle.